Please see below for our most up-to-date information on South Apron and South Ramp Rehab. The newest update will always be at the top for your convenience.
April 21, 2023
All information below is subject to change due to weather conditions, contractor sequencing, and equipment breakdowns. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE IN THE BARRICADED AREAS
South Apron and South Ramp:
The apron and ramp work comprises eight phases that will take 150 calendar days to complete the work. Ambrozi adjusted how they worked in each phase. Please see the enclosed attachment for each Phase location.
· Phase 1: COMPLETED
· Phase 2: COMPLETED
· Phase 3: COMPLETED
· Phase 4: COMPLETED
· Phase 5: COMPLETED
· Phase 6: COMPLETED
· Phase 7: COMPLETED
· Phase 8: COMPLETED
· Terminal Apron South and North: COMPLETED
· Runway 14/32: This three-week section of work was added to the project to complete the joint seal work on both concrete ends of the runway. Work starts Monday, April 24, and ends on May 15. The runway will be closed daily from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM (0600 to 2300) and open each evening.
NOTAM GLS 04/027 GLS RWY 14/32 CLSD DLY 1100-2300
Please let me know your questions or concerns about this update.
Mike Shahan
January 31, 2023
All information below is subject to change due to weather conditions, contractor sequencing, and equipment breakdowns. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE IN THE BARRICADED AREAS
South Apron and South Ramp:
The apron and ramp work comprises eight phases that will take 150 calendar days to complete the work. Ambrozi adjusted how they worked in each phase. Please see the enclosed attachment for each Phase location.
Phase 1:
South Apron work starts west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line (outlined in Red) in the attached drawing. The Joint seals have been removed, and the spalls repaired.
South Ramp work included most of the South Ramp, except for the area where hangars were before Hurricane Ike. The Joint seals have been removed.
Phase 2: This phase is west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line (outlined in dark Yellow) in the attached drawing. The Joint seals have been removed, and the spalls repaired.
Phase 3: This phase (outlined in Green) is north and west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line in the attached drawing. The Joint seals have been removed, and 30% of spalls have been repaired.
Terminal Apron South and North: Spall repairs have been added to the apron area directly in front of the Terminal (South Phase) and north of Gate 2 and the Island Jet Center fuel farm (North Phase).
Damaged spall repairs will be repaired starting tomorrow, 02/01/23, on the South Phase. Gate 2 on the north side of the terminal will be closed.
The North Phase will start immediately after the South Phase is completed and opened.
Phase 4: This phase (outlined in dark Green) is in front of the east ERA hangar and extends towards Phase 1. The Joint seals have been removed.
Phase 5: This phase (outlined in Aqua/Cyan) is in front of the west ERA hangar and Hangar 73 and goes west to Taxiway B. Joint seals have been removed.
Phase 6: This phase (outlined in Blue) is west of Phase 5. This Phase has been modified not to include the Parallel Taxiway. The Joint seals have been removed.
Phase 7: This phase (outlined in Magenta) is west of Phases 1, 2, and 3, goes to the west end of the apron, and closes the Parallel Taxiway. No work has been done in this area.
Phase 8: This phase is marking and striping the Apron and South Ramp. No work has been done in this Phase.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this update.
Mike Shahan

Update #1
November 21, 2022
Good afternoon everyone,
I wanted to let everyone know that our upcoming TxDOT rehabilitation project on the South Apron and South Ramp started today. Ambrozi Contracting will replace joint seals, some concrete slabs, spall repairs, and drainage improvements. As with previous projects, we will send updates with any changes or work that might limit your access to your hangar.
All information below is subject to change due to weather conditions, contractor sequencing, and equipment breakdowns.
South Apron and South Ramp:
The apron and ramp work comprises eight phases that will take 150 calendar days to complete the work. Please see the enclosed attachment for each Phase location.
Phase 1: This phase should take 30 calendar days to complete.
South Apron work starts west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line (outlined in Red) in the attached drawing.
South Ramp work included most of the South Ramp, except for the area where some hangars were before Hurricane Ike.
Phase 2: This phase is west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line (outlined in dark Yellow) in the attached drawing. This phase should take 15 calendar days to complete.
Phase 3: This phase (outlined in Green) is north and west of the PHI apron and east of the non-movement line in the attached drawing. This phase should take 15 calendar days to complete.
Phase 4: This phase (outlined in dark Green) is in front of the east ERA hangar and extends towards Phase 1. This phase should take 15 calendar days to complete.
Phase 5: This phase (outlined in Aqua/Cyan) is in front of the west ERA hangar and Hangar 73 and goes west to Taxiway B. This phase should take 15 calendar days to complete.
Phase 6: This phase (outlined in Blue) is west of Phase 5, goes to the west end of the apron, and necessitates closing Taxiway B. This phase should take 15 calendar days to complete.
Phase 7: This phase (outlined in Magenta) is west of Phases 1, 2, and 3, goes to the west end of the apron, and closes the Parallel Taxiway. This phase should take 25 calendar days to complete.
Phase 8: This phase is marking and striping the Apron and South Ramp. This phase should take 20 calendar days to complete. Once done, the project is over.
NOTAMS will be issued on 11/22/22 for men and equipment working on the South Apron and South Ramp. Please use caution when in this area.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this update.
Mike Shahan