We are beginning our Airport Terminal Pavement Project this week which was approved for funding last year. This project will renovate the Terminal parking lot, circle drive and both driveways leading to the aircraft apron.
All information below is subject to change due to weather conditions and workflow.

Temporary Parking- Zone as outlined in Blue:
This area has been designated as the temporary parking lot during this pavement project. Please use this area during the time of construction starting Thursday, March 12.
Phase 1 - Circle Drive and Apron Driveways – Work Zone as outlined in Red:
Work will begin this Thursday, March 12th at 7:00 a.m. and is expected to be completed within twelve days. Work includes milling and repaving the driveways, painting curbs and striping the parking spaces.
During this time there will be no vehicles allowed in this area.
Gate 2 and Gate 3 will be closed during construction. To gain access to the aircraft apron, please use Gate 1 and the north end of Terminal Drive.
Phase 2 - North Parking Lot –Work Zone as outlined in Green:
Once the work is completed in Phase 1, Public Works will move to the North parking lot. This work should be completed within ten days. No milling is required for the parking lot, just repaving and striping the parking spaces.
During this time, all vehicles must be moved to the temporary Airport Terminal Parking lot.
On January 14, 2019, City Council approved a funding agreement between the City, the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 14 (TIRZ 14) and the Galveston Island Redevelopment Authority (RDA) of $32,000 to cover the material cost of repaving the Airport Terminal parking lot, circle drive and both driveways leading to the aircraft apron.
Public Works agreed to provide the labor and equipment at no cost to the airport as long as the material cost was covered.
We do apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause and we appreciate your understanding.