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Tenant Construction Update to kick off 2020

Update: We have a change to the Construction Update

Due to the weather forecast, we have the following amendments:

  1. Runway 14/32 will not be closed Sunday night. Runway 14/36 will remain open full length until further notice.

  2. Runway 18/36 will remain closed until January 24, 2020 at 5:00pm (see NOTAM 01/007). Should the work be completed before, we will open the runway up at that time.

  3. Taxiway A will remain closed until January 24, 2020 at 5:00pm (see NOTAM 01/008). Taxiway A will open when Runway 18/36 is opened.

  4. Taxiway E will remain closed until tomorrow, January 9th at noon (see NOTAM 01/009). This NOTAM will be cancelled should it be ready before noon tomorrow.

  5. A NOTAM will be issued closing Taxiway C as soon as Taxiway E is opened.

After some delays, the construction project is still ongoing at the airport. We hope all work will be done by then end of January.

Main updates:

  1. Runway 18/36 remains closed through mid to late January.

  2. Taxiway A and E is expected to be open tomorrow, January 8th by 5:00 p.m.

Pavement Striping Locations:

Striping crews will be removing and installing taxiway markings on the locations listed below (please see NOTAM GLS 01/005).

  1. Taxiway C

  2. Taxiway D

  3. Parallel Taxiway between Taxiways B and E

Taxiway C Closure - Construction Zone as outlined in Blue:

Taxiway C is scheduled to close Friday, January 10th at 6:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2020 (please see NOTAM GLS 01/006).

The only remaining pavement work on Taxiway C is at the edge of Runway 18/36. The contractor will begin work on Friday, January 10th with plans to place concrete early Monday morning, January 13th. Taxiway C is expected to remained closed for three to four days after the concrete is poured.

Runway 14/32 Closure – Construction Zone as outlined in Magenta:

Runway 14/32 will be closed Sunday, January 12th at 9:00 p.m. to allow the contractor to complete the remaining concrete repairs located in the runway safety area.

Runway 14/32 Partial Opening –as outlined in Green:

At 6:00 a.m., Monday, January 13th, the north 2,950’ of Runway 14 will be opened to allow traffic to use the runway.

The remaining section of the runway will be opened no later than 12:00 p.m. the same day.

Remaining Work to be done:

Pavement striping at the North Apron and the black border at the approach end of Runway 14.

We anticipate all work to be completed by the end of January and all areas opened for use.

All information above is subject to change due to weather conditions and contractor equipment breakdowns.

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City of Galveston

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