Construction is moving right along at Scholes International Airport
starting the week of May 13th.

Concrete is scheduled to be poured Tuesday, May 14th, in the current barricaded area on the North Ramp (work area outlined in yellow on map). Should everything go well, this area would open as early as Tuesday, May 21st, barring any weather/construction delays.
Meantime, Taxiway A will be closed for construction between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm. A new work area on the North Ramp is scheduled to start on May 15th (work area outlined in red on map). . The area should be open by the first part of June, unless there are weather delays.
A REMINDER TO TENANTS: If there is construction near your hangar, please do not drive your vehicle into the barricaded work zone. We also recommend you keep your hangar door closed to help reduce dust in your hangar.