The City of Galveston is accepting applications from citizens wishing to serve on the Airport Advisory Committee.
The Committee makes recommendations to the Airport Director and City Council on long-range planning, capital improvements, operation, maintenance, and alongside Airport Staff, helps promote community awareness and appreciation for the Scholes International Airport and its contribution to Galveston Island.
This is a volunteer position with a three year term. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month at 12:00 pm in the airport terminal conference room. If you are interested in serving, download an application here. Submit completed applications:
By email: citysecretary@galvestontx.gov
By mail: PO Box 779, Galveston TX 77550
In person: 823 Rosenberg, Room 201, Galveston TX 77550
By fax: (409) 242-2137
For more information about the Airport Advisory Committee, you may contact Mike Shahan, Airport Director, at (409) 797-3590 or airport@cityofgalveston.gov.